The issue of gender inequality undoubtedly is a huge and complex one. Therefore, a solution, on a large scale, is equally as complicated. In light of this, two key ideals have emerged and have been proposed as the best methods of female empowerment. This has culminated in a common debate amongst feminist theorists. That is, the debate between equality and difference.
The notion of equality involves women aiming to conform to typically masculine economic, social and political structures, therefore adopting them as their own and gaining equal power to men within them. On the other hand, embracing difference involves women accepting and celebrating their fundamental differences to men and being granted choice in decisions relating to their individual preference for compliance or defiance within patriarchal structures.
Equality is often criticised for its implied acceptance of the rational tendencies of male practices as being superior to the perceived irrational tendencies of women. By simply wishing to immerse themselves in structures that have been established by and for men, it can be argued that the female fight for “equality” with men elevates and promotes the masculine role as being superior within society. Simultaneously, the desire to disassociate from traditionally feminine practises implicitly denounces their value, necessity and importance within society.
Likewise, the acceptance of essential differences between men and women is also often criticised for a number of reasons. It is often said that the “free choice” that this method of empowerment claims to offer is not in fact necessarily free. This is because every decision that is made is always influenced by the social structures that surround everyone within a community. Given that modern society is patriarchal, these decisions will almost definitely be tainted, either consciously or subconsciously, by ideas of male superiority.
Thus it can be seen that both of the fundamental driving solutions within circles dedicated to battling gender inequality seem inherently flawed. So, can we ever reach gender equality? Will it ever be possible with the current structures of our global society?
These are both difficult questions, because whilst we should always remain optimistic, looking forward to our goal of reaching total gender equality, the path ahead seems increasingly tough. However, I think the key idea to take away from all this is that reaching gender equality is an uphill battle that will require the desire to change from all members of society.
It will require the recognition of structural power that some hold, and the subsequent relinquishment of that power because inequalities always stem from an imbalance of opportunity and influence. That is why campaigns such as #heforshe [1] become so important. They allow us to discuss openly the need for the entire international community to be supportive of gender equality in order to move forward and make improvements. So for me, the only real solution here is unity. This involves all members of our society looking within themselves to find how they unintentionally contribute to gender inequality, and cultivating a desire to not only change as individuals, but instigate a change within society.
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